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Cigalah medpharm - Website - heshamhamdy,net

Cigalah medpharm wanted to re-design & upgrade their website to generate greater brand engagement and enhances the ROI through a creative and highly-converting e-commerce website.

Unlike the old version of their website, they wanted the redesigned website to be user-friendly and easy to navigate and convert. Moreover, the website should be working perfectly on all devices (computer, tablet, and mobile).

What I Did?

I started working on this project by Analyzing the present website and find out the defects in UI/UX such as:
– Is it hard to access to products and services?
– Does it have vital features like competitors’ websites?
– Is the website design & coding SEO-Friendly?

Once I got the whole picture, I planned the whole website interface with user-experience and search engines in mind. I started building the home page design and content, then building all other static pages.

I integrated all needful eCommerce tools & technologies for best online shopping experience such as: users accounts, wish-list, order tracking, and online payment. 

The next step, I designed & developed the product page to be attractive, informative, and highly-converting.

Finally, I have added many customers engagement & lead generation technologies to the website to maximize the marketing potentials and boost sales.

Visit Cigalah medpharm Website